Tips_tutorials   >   Studiojs201   >   HTML Tools
Rather than put all of our code in methods of each remote task, we will put the general methods in an object class which we can call from different remote tasks. This may seem a bit complicated at first, but you will see the benefits later on as we add more remote tasks.
We will need a method that returns an HTML page template.
Begin text block
Text: <html> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: <head> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: <title>##TITLE##</title> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: </head> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: <body> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: <p>##BODY##</p> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: </body> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: </html> (Carriage return,Linefeed)
End text block
Get text block HTML
Quit method HTML
##TITLE## and ##BODY## are placeholders which can be replaced by the sender using the replaceall() function. You will see this later on in the tutorial.
This is a very basic HTML page. For your real world application you would need to include numerous additional sections and tags.
We will need a method than converts an Omnis Studio list into an HTML table.
If you have StudioTips you can copy any of the code snips by clicking the
button which takes you to the actual code, then copy and paste the code to your own method.
Calculate List as pfList
; Open the table
Calculate HTML as kTableOpenTag
; Open the table header group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'<thead>')
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableRowOpenTag)
; Add a checkbox column for selecting rows.
If pbInclSelectCheckBoxes
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'<th>','','</th>')
End If
; Add the header row columns.
Calculate String as pCSVColHeadings
While len(String)
Calculate Text as strtok('String',',')
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'<th>',Text,'</th>')
End While
; Close the table header row
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableRowCloseTag)
; Close the table header group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'</thead>')
; Open the table body group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'<tbody>')
; Add the list rows and columns.
For List.$line from 1 to List.$linecount step 1
; Open the row.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableRowOpenTag)
; Add a checkbox column for selecting rows. The primary key is stored in the checkbox id attribute.
If pbInclSelectCheckBoxes
If List.0.$selected()
Calculate SelectCheckBox as con('<input type="checkbox" name="selected" id="',List.[pPrimaryKeyColName],'" value="pkey" checked="true" />')
; Do not include a 'checked=' attribute. checked="false" or "0" still caused it to be checked.
Calculate SelectCheckBox as con('<input type="checkbox" name="selected" id="',List.[pPrimaryKeyColName],'" value="pkey" />')
End If
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableDivOpenTag,SelectCheckBox,kTableDivCloseTag)
End If
; Add the columns.
Calculate String as pCSVColNames
While len(String)
Calculate ColName as strtok('String',',')
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableDivOpenTag,List.[ColName],kTableDivCloseTag)
End While
; Close the list row
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableRowCloseTag)
End For
; Close the table body group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'</tbody>')
; Open the table footer group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'<tfoot>')
; Close the table footer group.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,'</tfoot>')
; Close the table.
Calculate HTML as con(HTML,kCr,kTableCloseTag)
Quit method HTML
We will need a method than adds the Content-type and Content-length header to the HTML.
Calculate ContentLength as len(pfHTML)
; HTTP Content type header.
Begin text block
Text: Content-type: text/html (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: Content-length: [ContentLength] (Carriage return,Linefeed)
Text: (Carriage return,Linefeed)
End text block
Get text block HTTPHeaderText
Calculate pfHTML as con(HTTPHeaderText,pfHTML)
Quit method kTrue