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Omnis Studio used the term complex grids for a reason. They are powerful, but they are complex.
This section covers tips and demos relating to complex grids.
Click in the to review complex grid notation in a demo window.The $clearexceptions method had always confused me. I thought it would revert the complex grid to look the way it was before I applied any exceptions.
But, it appears that the logic for $clearexceptions is to revert to the last column setting.
Click the button in the for a demo.The row number is not required when setting $ctarget. The target will be on the current line in the data list represented by the complex grid.
Do $ctarget.$assign($cinst.$objs.ComplexGrid.$objs.FieldName)
Do $ctarget.$firstsel.$assign(0)
Do $ctarget.$lastsel.$assign(10000)
I spent a few hours trying to make use of the $fieldstyle property in complex grids only to reach the conclusion that it can't be done. Well, it can't be done for individual cells.
You can change the $fieldstyle for a complex grid column, but you can't change it for a single cell in a column.
Tech Support confirmed this and said that this feature won't be changed.
To work around this problem, you need to relax the #STYLE restrictions on the $fieldstyle properties that you want to be able to change for individual cells in your complex grid. You can then modify the individual properties, instead of trying to change the $fieldstyle.
Click the button in the for a demo.If you have a reference to an object in a complex grid, how do you know which column of the complex grid it is located in?
The $gridcolumn property will tell you the answer.
; The following code is used in the demo included with this tip.
Switch $cobj.$gridsection
Case kGridColumnHeader
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in the "grid column header".////The current object $gridcolumn is: [$cobj.$gridcolumn]}
Case kGridHeader
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in the "grid header".////The current object $gridcolumn is: [$cobj.$gridcolumn]}
Case kGridNone
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in not in the grid.////The current object $gridcolumn is: [$cobj.$gridcolumn]}
Case kGridOther
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in "grid other".////The current object $gridcolumn is: [$cobj.$gridcolumn]}
Case kGridRow
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in a "grid row".////The current object $gridcolumn is: [$cobj.$gridcolumn]}
OK message (Icon) {The current object does not have a "$gridsection" property.}
End Switch
; NOTE: If you wanted to test whether or not the $cobj is in a complex grid, you could add
; the following "If" statement.
If $cobj.$container().$objtype=kComplexGrid
; OK the current object is in a complex grid.
End If
If you have a reference to an object in a complex grid, how do you know which section of the
complex grid it is located in?
The $gridsection property will tell you the answer.
$gridsection returns the following constants: kGridColumnHeader, kGridHeader, kGridNone, kGridOther, or kGridRow
; The following code is used in the demo included with this tip.
Switch $cobj.$gridsection
Case kGridColumnHeader
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in the "grid column header".}
Case kGridHeader
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in the "grid header".}
Case kGridNone
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in not in the grid.}
Case kGridOther
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in "grid other".}
Case kGridRow
OK message (Icon) {The current object is in a "grid row".}
OK message (Icon) {The current object does not have a "$gridsection" property.}
End Switch
; NOTE: If you wanted to test whether or not the $cobj is in a complex grid, you could add
; the following "If" statement.
If $cobj.$container().$objtype=kComplexGrid
; OK the the current object is in a complex grid.
End If
To add columns to a complex grid you need to add a divider to the $dividers group.
; Add a divider to the grid object at 'Posn' pixels.
Do irGridObj.$dividers.$add(Posn) Returns rDivider
The following sample code adds a divider 100 pixels after the last divider.
; Make a list of the $dividers group.
Do irGridObj.$dividers.$makelist($ref.$name,$ref.$posn) Returns List
; Sort the list by the $posn property.
Do List.$sort($ref.C2) ;; C2=Column 2
; Get the position of the last divider in the list.
Calculate LastColPosn as List.[List.$linecount].C2
; Add a new divider 100 pixels after the last divider.
Do irGridObj.$dividers.$add(LastColPosn+100) Returns rDivider
If the complex grid $enterable property is set to kTrue, the user can no longer select lines the same way as in a headed list.
This tip shows how to add a $selected checkbox to the complex grid which allows the user to select/unselected lines by checking or unchecking the checkbox.
Set the $dataname property of the checkbox to, iListVar.[iListVar.$line].$selected, where iListVar is the list variable specified in the $dataname property of the complex grid object.
Click the button in the for a demo.Need a clean looking complex grid? Why not make it look like a spreadsheet?
Click the
button in the for a demo.This demo uses the following code for having the up and down arrow keys move vertically from cell to cell in the complex grid.
; Method: $control - of the complex grid object.
On evKey
; Copy the current entry field contents to the variable.
Calculate [$cobj.$dataname] as $cobj.$contents
Switch pSystemKey
Case kUp
; Make sure we aren't on the first line of the list.
If iList.$line>1
; Discard the event.
Process event and continue (Discard event)
; Change the current line number.
Do iList.$line.$assign(iList.$line-1)
Redraw {the window. (Could just redraw the grid.)}
Do $cinst.$redraw()
; Set the current target.
Do $ctarget.$assign([$cobj().$fullname])
; Select the contents of the current target.
Do $ctarget.$firstsel.$assign(0)
Do $ctarget.$lastsel.$assign(len($ctarget.$contents))
End If
Case kDown
; Make sure we aren't on the last line of the list.
If iList.$line<iList.$linecount
Process event and continue (Discard event)
Do iList.$line.$assign(iList.$line+1)
Do $cinst.$redraw()
Do $ctarget.$assign([$cobj().$fullname])
Do $ctarget.$firstsel.$assign(0)
Do $ctarget.$lastsel.$assign(len($ctarget.$contents))
End If
End Switch