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You can use the HTTPPage command to download a file from a web server. The trick is to remove the header from the file before saving it to the local computer.
The following sample code downloads a zip file and prompts the user for a file name and location to save the file.
; Ping the server to make sure we are connected to the internet.
Calculate Server as ''
TCPPing (Server) Returns Milliseconds
If Milliseconds<0
OK message (Icon) {Unable to ping the server at '[Server]'}
Calculate FlagOK as kFalse
; Figure out the URL to the file to be downloaded.
; The file could be any file type: zip, pdf, jpg, txt, etc.
Calculate DownloadsDirURL as ''
Calculate FileName as ''
Calculate URL as con(DownloadsDirURL,FileName)
; Load the file into a character variable.
HTTPPage (URL) Returns Buffer
If len(Buffer)=0
OK message (Icon) {The server returned an empty page for the URL:////[URL]}
Calculate FlagOK as kFalse
; Remove the HTTP header and copy the character variable contents to a binary variable.
; The header is separate from the content by an empty line.
Calculate Find as con(kCr,kLf,kCr,kLf)
Calculate Binary as mid(Buffer,pos(Find,Buffer)+len(Find))
; Prompt the user for a file name and location to save the file.
Calculate Path as FileName
; (path[,prompt,filter,initial-directory,appflags])
Do FileOps.$putfilename(Path,'Save Downlioaded File As') Returns bContinue
If not(bContinue)
Calculate FlagOK as kTrue
; Create the file using the FileOps external.
Do oFileOpsExt.$createfile(Path) Returns FlagOK
If FlagOK
Do oFileOpsExt.$writefile(Binary) Returns FlagOK
End If
Do oFileOpsExt.$closefile()
If not(FlagOK)
OK message (Icon) {FileOps error when attempting to create and write to the file at:////[Path]}
OK message (Icon) {The downloaded file has been saved at:////[Path]}
End If
End If
End If
End If
Quit method FlagOK
The Omnis command HTTPPage returns the contents of a web page.
; Ping the server to make sure we are connected to the internet.
Calculate Server as ''
TCPPing (Server) Returns Milliseconds
If Milliseconds<0
OK message (Icon) {Unable to ping the server at '[Server]'}
; Get the home page contents.
Calculate URL as ''
HTTPPage (URL) Returns Text
OK message (Icon) {StudioTips home page content is:////[Text]}
Breakpoint {Right-click on the Text variable to see the full contents.}
End If
Quit method Text
This tip provides cross platform code for opening the default web browser and pointing it to a specified URL. The Go to URL button in the
window uses this code.You can copy the sample code included with this tip to your library.
; Open the default browser to a specified URL.
Switch sys(6)
Case 'M','X' ;; Mac, Mac OS X
Calculate ScriptText as con('open location "',iMyURL,'"')
Calculate ScriptText as con('$runapplescript(',chr(39),ScriptText,chr(39),')')
Do [ScriptText]
Case 'W','N' ;; Windows, Windows NT or 2000
Register DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteA','JJCCCCJ') Returns ErrorCode
Call DLL ('Shell32.dll','ShellExecuteA',0,'#NULL#',iMyURL,'','#NULL#',1)
OK message [sys(85)] (Icon) {Sorry I don't know how to open your Internet browser}
End Switch