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Sys Functions - Database
This section provides you with documentation, tips, and demos for each of data file and database related the
sys() functions.
sys(81) Search name
Returns the current search name (empty if no search set).
sys(82) Main file name
Returns the main file name (empty if no main file set).
sys(83) Records in main file
Returns the number of records in main file.
sys(130) Server name
(Old DAMS only) Returns the server name for the current session.
For example, 'Oracle version [1.2Êr0]' (empty if no server connected).
sys(131) SQL error code
(Old DAMS only) Returns the SQL error code, or 0 for no error.
sys(132) SQL error text
(Old DAMS only) Returns the SQL error text for the current error code (empty if not available).
sys(133) SQL select table # columns
(Old DAMS only) Returns the number of columns for the current Select table.
sys(134) SQL rows processed
(Old DAMS only) Returns the number of rows processed by the previous Insert, Delete, or Update statement, returnsÊ0 for most other statements.
Do $cinst.$rowsaffected() Returns Num
sys(135) SQL rows fetched
(Old DAMS only) Returns the number of rows fetched from the Select table.
Do $cinst.$rowsfetched() Returns Num
sys(136) SQL current cursor
(Old DAMS only) Returns the name of the current cursor.
sys(137) SQL current session
(Old DAMS only) Returns the name of the current session.
sys(138) SQL results sets
(Old DAMS only) Returns the number of Result sets to come back from the server following a Select. ReturnsÊ0 if no more results.