Autoupdater   >   AutoUpdater


AutoUpdater is a utility can be implemented for any Omnis Studio application. AutoUpdater can be used by developers to simplify and automate the process of updating runtime clients with newer release files of any Omnis Studio application which the developer creates.

AutoUpdater is a single Omnis Studio library. The AutoUpdater library is unlocked. All of the AutoUpdater code is good old Omnis Studio code which developers can read, step through, and if necessary debug.

AutoUpdater supports serving newer release files on:

  1. FTP - any FTP server accessible by the runtime clients.
  2. DB - any database accessible by the runtime clients.
  3. LAN - any mountable drive accessible by the runtime clients on a local area network. (This is the least recommended approach)

Runtime clients can specifiy:

  1. Release type of Final or Beta and switch back and forth at any time.
  2. Update frequency of Manual or On Launch.
  3. Prompt before Installing Updates or automatically download and install newer releases.

Developers can specify:

  1. Expiry Date - after which period the runtime client must obtain an new AutoUpdater library from the developer in order to be able to download new updates.
  2. Server Type (FTP, DB, LAN), and the address, user name and password. The user name and password are not accessible by the runtime clients.
  3. Package(s) to be included with the application. Each package specifies the files included in the package.

Developers upload files to their AutoUpdater files server and prepare an AutoUpdater library for their specific application and client. The AutoUpdater library is shipped to the runtime client. When the AutoUpdater library is opened it immediately downloads and installs the packages and files included with the application and then opens the application.

Newer release files are uploaded to the files server by the developer. The runtime client AutoUpdater library checks the file server for new updates and if found, downloads and installs the newer version files on the client's computer.

About this Manual

This manual begins with a QuickStart Tutorial which will take you through the basics of setting up AutoUpdater to work with your Omnis Studio application.

The more detailed documentation is after the Quickstart Tutorial. You should scan through the AutoUpdater Documentation after you complete the Quickstart Tutorial to get a deeper understanding of AutoUpdater and to learn about the advanced features of AutoUpdater.