StudioTips Documentation
StudioTips does not intend to replace the Omnis Studio documentation,
it is aimed at supplementing the Omnis Studio documentation.
The Omnis Studio documentation is accurate, but is lacking in code examples.
When I was learning Omnis Studio that was the most difficult part. I needed
to see how to write the code, not just read about it.
The StudioTips documentation is available and searchable on-line.
Documentation is split into the following sections.
- Classic to Studio  
There are many differing opinions on how to make the move from
Omnis Classic to Omnis Studio. The documentation in this section
provides suggestions and tips for moving from Omnis Classic to Omnis Studio.
- Naming Conventions  
Naming conventions are extremely important. If you are writing code
on your own you might not fully appreciate the importance of using
consistent naming conventions. The minute you add a 2nd or 3rd developer...
- StudioTips  
The section of StudioTips includes tips on topics which don't fall under
the other sections. Sections covered include: Externals, Functions, Internet,
Lists, Menus, Notation, Mac OS X, Unix.
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)  
The GUI classes in Omnis Studio are window classes, menu classes, toolbar classes,
and report classes. The GUI section covers topics relating to the GUI classes,
GUI objects, and user interface.
- SQL  
The SQL section covers: session objects, statement objects, table classes,
smartlists, SQL scripts, plus some tips on 3rd party RDBMSs such as:
FrontBase and MySQL.
- StudioTips - Tutorials  
There are a number of tutorials which will teach you how to do various things
with Omnis Studio. SQL, error handler, subwindows, observers, and writing
ultra-thin web apps.